Rp 3.5juta - Rp 5juta
Iseo Hair Care Salon, Salon yang berfokus pada perawatan rambut untuk menjadikan setiap rambut indah dan tetap sehat. Iseo Salon adalah sister brand dari Alexs salon Tumapel yg dimana Iseo Salon hadir dengan konsep yg baru lebih elegan, eksklusif, dan lebih luas. Kami...PremiumRp 3juta - Rp 5juta
...Ada bekerja di salon kecantikan, dulu mendapat penghasilan yang tinggi, namun sekarang menurun drastis? Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang salon kecantikan yang telah menjadi market leader untuk teknologi inovasi terbaru perawatan perbaikan rambut kelas...Premium- JOB DESCRIPTION Operator Salon Mobil JOB REQUIREMENT • Laki – laki • Usia 18-25 tahun • Tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik, disiplin, tanggung jawab • Wajib pengalaman poles dan detailing • Bisa menggunakan mesin poles da dan rotary • Diutamakan berpengalaman...
- ...Occupations Receptionist Salon: Job Description Receptionist Salon: Job information Receptionist Salon from the Company Alkemy Salon , this latest Receptionist Salon job vacancy is located in the city Kuta located in the province Bali . This latest job...
- ...Occupations Staff Karyawan Salon: Job Description Staff Karyawan Salon: Job information Staff Karyawan Salon from the Company Naz Beauty Lounge , this latest Staff Karyawan Salon job vacancy is located in the city Buleleng located in the province Bali...
- ...Occupations Therapist/Beautician/Karyawan Salon: Job Description Therapist/Beautician/Karyawan Salon: Job information Therapist/Beautician/Karyawan Salon from the Company makenailstudio , this latest Therapist/Beautician/Karyawan Salon job vacancy is located...
- ...Occupations KAPSTER SALON RAMBUT: Job Description KAPSTER SALON RAMBUT: Job information KAPSTER SALON RAMBUT from the Company eL Salon.id , this latest KAPSTER SALON RAMBUT job vacancy is located in the city Yogyakarta located in the province DI Yogyakarta...
Rp 1juta - Rp 5juta
Belum bekerja? Punya SIM A? Ayo segera daftar kan diri anda di taxi berbasis online. Dibutuhkan 100 pengemudi dengan armada transmover! Menyediakan mess, klinik gratis, dan bonus bulanan. Persyaratannya mudah SIM A, umur 23 - 55thn, dan hp android versi 7 ram 4 GB- ...Tugas / Tanggung Jawab : Melakukan Pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan posisi Mobile Programmer(Mobile Android/ Mobile IOS) Dibawah pengawasan PIC untuk menerjemahkan dokumen hasil perancangan dan desain ke dalam kode program sesuai dengan platform yang telah ditentukan...
- JOB DESCRIPTION - Mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis mobile - Melakukan test integrasi sistem JOB REQUIREMENT - Berpengalaman dengan: Android Studio, React Native (Redux, State Management). - Memiliki pengetahuan yang kuat tentang Android SDK, versi Android yang berbeda...
- ...Occupations Mobile Crew Store: Job Description Mobile Crew Store: Job information Mobile Crew Store from the Company Goes coffee on the go , this latest Mobile Crew Store job vacancy is located in the city Sukajadi located in the province Jawa Barat ....
Rp 2juta - Rp 3juta
...Occupations Sales Officer Mobile: Job Description Sales Officer Mobile: Job information Sales Officer Mobile from the Company PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri , this latest Sales Officer Mobile job vacancy is located in the city KUNINGAN located in the province...- ...Occupations Teknisi Interior Mobil: Job Description Teknisi Interior Mobil: Job information Teknisi Interior Mobil from the Company PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Rent (MPM Rent) , this latest Teknisi Interior Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Tangerang...
- ...Occupations Kasir (Suzuki Mobil): Job Description Kasir (Suzuki Mobil): Job information Kasir (Suzuki Mobil) from the Company PT Duta Cendana Adimandiri , this latest Kasir (Suzuki Mobil) job vacancy is located in the city Jatiasih located in the province...
- ...Occupations Staff Cuci Mobil: Job Description Staff Cuci Mobil: Job information Staff Cuci Mobil from the Company We Wash , this latest Staff Cuci Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Jawa Barat located in the province Jawa Barat . This latest job...
- ...Occupations Staff Steam Mobil: Job Description Staff Steam Mobil: Job information Staff Steam Mobil from the Company AUTO Murti Singaraja , this latest Staff Steam Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Bali located in the province Bali . This latest...
- ...Occupations IT Staff (Mobile Developer): Job Description IT Staff (Mobile Developer): Job information IT Staff (Mobile Developer) from the Company PT Tirtakencana Tatawarna (Head Office) , this latest IT Staff (Mobile Developer) job vacancy is located in the...
- ...Occupations Inspector Mobil (Jabodetabek): Job Description Inspector Mobil (Jabodetabek): Job information Inspector Mobil (Jabodetabek) from the Company PT Wahana Sejahtera Indonesia , this latest Inspector Mobil (Jabodetabek) job vacancy is located in the...
- ...Occupations Sales Marketing Mobil Daihatsu: Job Description Sales Marketing Mobil Daihatsu: Job information Sales Marketing Mobil Daihatsu from the Company Pt tunas mobilindo perkasa , this latest Sales Marketing Mobil Daihatsu job vacancy is located in the...
- JOB DESCRIPTION Kepala Mekanik Mobil JOB REQUIREMENT • Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK Sederajat • Memiliki pengalaman yang sama minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama • Memiliki komunikasi yang baik, berorientasi pada pelanggan, dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim • Penampilan...
Rp 3.32juta - Rp 4.98juta
...Occupations CMO Mobil Branch Pekanbaru: Job Description CMO Mobil Branch Pekanbaru: Job information CMO Mobil Branch Pekanbaru from the Company PT. BFI FINANCE INDONESIA, Tbk , this latest CMO Mobil Branch Pekanbaru job vacancy is located in the city Pekanbaru...- JOB DESCRIPTION • Melakukan Kunjungan outlet MT/GT yang di tunjuk • Melakukan Selling produk toko ke konsumen baik pengunjung atau sekitar wilayah toko JOB REQUIREMENT • Wanita • Usia Maks 30 tahun • Punya Motor dan SIM C • Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat • Pengalaman...
- JOB DESCRIPTION Driver Mobil Wisata JOB REQUIREMENT • Pria Muslim Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun • Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK • Bisa Bahasa Jawa, Indonesia. Inggris (Nilai +) • Memiliki SIM A / B1 / B1 Umum • Rute Jawa – Bali – Lombok • Mempunyai Kemampuan Bengkel •...
- ...Occupations Senior Teknisi AC Mobil: Job Description Senior Teknisi AC Mobil: Job information Senior Teknisi AC Mobil from the Company Rotary Bintaro Rawamangun , this latest Senior Teknisi AC Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Jakarta Raya located...
- ...Occupations Operator Carwash/Cuci Mobil: Job Description Operator Carwash/Cuci Mobil: Job information Operator Carwash/Cuci Mobil from the Company PT. Gherald Indo Nusantara , this latest Operator Carwash/Cuci Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Bandung...
- ...Occupations Surveyor Mobil Pangkalan Bun: Job Description Surveyor Mobil Pangkalan Bun: Job information Surveyor Mobil Pangkalan Bun from the Company PT KB Finansia Multi Finance , this latest Surveyor Mobil Pangkalan Bun job vacancy is located in the city...
- ...Occupations Sales Executive (Suzuki Mobil): Job Description Sales Executive (Suzuki Mobil): Job information Sales Executive (Suzuki Mobil) from the Company PT Duta Cendana Adimandiri , this latest Sales Executive (Suzuki Mobil) job vacancy is located in the...
- ...Berlaku Termasuk Pencapaian Target, Pengembalian Barang, Jadwal Kerja, DLL • Berkomitmen, Jujur, Dan Amanah JOB REQUIREMENT • Memiliki Mobil Pribadi • Usia Min. 18 Tahun Max 45 Tahun • Pendidikan Min. SMP (Berijazah) • Memiliki SIM Aktif Dan STNK Hidup • Memiliki...
- ...Occupations Pegawai Bengkel Cat Mobil: Job Description Pegawai Bengkel Cat Mobil: Job information Pegawai Bengkel Cat Mobil from the Company Rans Auto Body Repair , this latest Pegawai Bengkel Cat Mobil job vacancy is located in the city Palu located in...
- JOB DESCRIPTION Tukang Cuci Mobil (Kediri) JOB REQUIREMENT • Wanita/Pria usia maksimal 30 tahun • Pendidikan minimal SMP/sederajat • Bisa mengemudi mobil • Freshgraduate lebih diutamakan • Mampu bekerja team • Jujur, disiplin dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi •...