PT. Pilar Timur Teknologi Logo

PT. Pilar Timur Teknologi

Tentang perusahaan

Wanna join with young, passionate, creative and very motivated team? let’s get it done

You’ll see the greatest atmosphere in the team, yes we are friendly, and caring each others :’)

Let say you are Android Programmer, wanna learn about the others technology - such as iOs, Web, Desktop, etc-? we’ve got FREE training for you :D

We can’t wait for 'Wednesday Meeting’, every two weeks, all of us gather together in one place, and share everything, yes everything, not only about your job :)

FREE lunch and LAUGH :)

VACANCY Time!!! *we did this together for minimum once a year.

Birthday? prepare for the party :D

The greatest thing is : Every one in this team believe, with Digital Oasis, We will bring the future closer.

Last but not least, We based in Bandung, the greatest place to live and play :)

psssst, only the one who are crazy enough will join us :)

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