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Quipper Video Makassar

Tentang perusahaan

I want to build a knowledge platform that anyone can access beyond the boundaries of border and rich and poor

I want to learn as much as you want freely and efficiently what everyone in the world wants to learn. Quipper began to realize this "distribution revolution of wisdom".

Change the world by education.

Quipper is looking for fellows who will challenge them together.

We are all individuals from different backgrounds, so accept this diversity and be willing to have different perspectives. That said, we’re all part of a team and can speak up and collaborate.

It doesn't matter what your title is. Own whatever you find important for the company and users. Go for it and execute. Do it fast and see it through.

We all have a passion for learning. Stay curious and thirsty for new things, and don’t be afraid to take a leap. Keep yourself always out of the comfort zone

Distributors of Wisdom


In 2010, Quipper was founded in London, England. “Distributors of Wisdom” – We provide online learning service, aiming to realize “distribution revolution of knowledge”, that lets everyone learn what he/she wants to learn as much as he/she would like, beyond the boundaries of border and rich and poor. Since 2015 the company has joined Recruit Marketing Partners. We keep challenging so that we can to contribute to the new beginning of educational services by proposing and creating new value every day in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico.

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